Saturday, December 15, 2018

Thanks Bathesda

Yesterday I died while carrying too much stuff and was given zero places on the map to respawn.  I had to quit to main screen at start again.

So much depends on a few pounds

Friday, December 14, 2018


Today C and I were working through my BOS questline.  I had to track down some satellite devices in the most dangerous part of the map. 

C is more dedicated to questing than I am so he is now sheparding me through stuff he's done earlier.   We finally get to a stage where the plan is to activate the uplink and run to the next location to avoid fighting a scorchbeast.  Not that we haven't put plenty down, we just weren't feeling it this time.

We checked the area,  picked through some power armor at the camp and got ready to activate and run.

That was when we realized that there was a farm nearby we had not yet visited.  we headed over there so we could get close enough to get credit for having visited the location and the experience points that come with it.

No sooner did we get our precious XP and a map marker then we were set upon by Mirelurks.  Giant irradiated beetles you have to shoot in just the right place.

They were strong but at least none of them were Kings, a high level variant that can wreck you from a distance as opposed to the standard mirelrks which really just get in your face and slap fight you to death.

Not one king showed up.

Three did.

Well, said C, at least there's not a queen.  Oh there's  the queen.

The queens are pretty awful.  Huge and powerful, they are built to erase the I'll prepared and wreckless...  two words that describe me and C perfectly.

Luckily,  there was a barn and we could hide in the back of the barn behind some crates and have some protection on two sides, still finding ourselves vulnerable to the worst baddies and their ranged attacks thanks to holes in the walls and ceiling.

This is when it occurred to me I should help C more in the fight by being more assertive.

Most of our big fights involve me hiding while C dies most of the actual fighting.   He's fearless.   He gets that it's a game.

Me not so much.

But I want to help more and hide less.   And I had a dozen molotov cocktails that were burning a hole in my pocket.


So I equipped then and started hurling them at everything they came at us.  I basically was a disaster and set everything on fire, including myself, except the Mirelurks.

I hit C twice but since we have pacifist mode (can't damage other players) on he escaped my ineptitude. 

I set the barn on fire which luckily in this game doesn't burn down the barn but made it hard to move anywhere without sustaining flame damage.

Seeing that I was making things worse in the barn i went outside and started trying to hit the king's who needed to die but two converged on me.  I tried top run back in the barn but the Massive lumbering Queen had moved in front of the barn.   Blocking the entrance.

I tossed my last cocktail at her and scored a direct hit which also set me on fire. 

How did I survive, you ask?

Lots and lots of stimpacks.

By chance or by sheer force of will but really more likely thanks to C the queen moved and I got back in the barn  where I resumed my mostly successful strategy of hiding behind C and getting in shots with my sniper rifle where I could.

By the time we put down the Queen C had broken his best gun but luckily we still had our activate and run plan to finish this portion of the quest.

We got back and all hell broke loose.  The scorchbeast attacked along with a horse of minions and cam got booted of the server cause bathesda.

So I was on my own.

I was overencombered so after I activated the uplink I could only run short distances before I had to stop and wait for my action points to refill.  Needless to say, Our running away plan was out the window.   Plus i was on my own.

So i would sprint ahead of the enemy horde,  slow to a painful crawl and start swinging my melee weapon at the mass of enemies that swallowed me until I could sprint again.

When I finally got to the bunker there were three scorchbeast and an army of weapon toting sentient humanoids that all wanted me to be super dead.

In the shelter of the bunker I could avoid the scorchbeast but their bipedal minions kept pouring through the door.

C finally got back into the game and joined me but he wasn't alone.

Nope, he was followed in by our good friend the Prizebot.

Prizebot had something for me that could not wait.   And as soon as he reached me, I got booted off the server.

By the time I got back into the game C was down to a melee weapon that was about to break and my entire quest progress had been undone (thanks Bathesda) so I ran away (overencombered so no fast traveling) back to where it all started in order to restart the quest and C was left to make his way back to my camp, running like a mad person and navigating the most unforgiving terrain in the game.

It was nuts. It was aggravating.  It was fun as hell.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Another day another glitch

Today while playing with C he got stuck under some scenery and had to fast travel back in to my location after i had liquidated a few of enemies.

Which I thought was dumb because that had happened to me a few times in fallout 4 but compared to how much I've played that game I'll eventually have to accept a few dumb glitches but then again,  this is still a thing??

But I've been playing thatface for YEARS and that's happened twice. 

I only bring it up because not 20 minutes after he logged off it happened to me while playing solo.

NOW,  I lucked out and was able to kill the rest of the enemies in the area from where i got stuck and then fast traveled back to get free but really??

Twice in an hour? 

Thursday, November 29, 2018

A new day

Today was a day of victory.  Some earned harder than others but me and C came out on top.

It helped that server issues were minimal today.

Also, if you can get your hands on All Rise you will be able to literally crush your enemies

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Sweet, sweet revenge

 I went back to where that Diseased Gulper killed me.  All by myself I decided to quit dicking around the forest and die like a God damn champion.

IT was level 48 and I'm 35.  IT had no crown and was not legendary.  IT had two friends that were 22s.  Normally I'd take those odds, but these are Gulpers we're talking about and I kind of suck at this game

I took a few shots from a safe distance with my sniper rifle but they weren't having any of that shit.

Luckily the property had a couple of structures that seemed promising from a distance.   I snuck to the first without incident but it had no decent vantage point to snipe.  After taking a moment to check for loot (I need so many springs) I was immediately set upon by one of the smaller Gulpers.

The bad news news is in this post apocalyptic world I have much less love for animals than I do in real life.   The good news is that thanks to adventuring with my good friend C I had a legendary super sledge.

Smashy smashy, no more Gulper gnash...y.

Sorry about that.

The second structure had a garage with a gaping hole in the wall but also a huge opening on another side where a garage door might go.  But all is not lost... as long as the creatures have really crappy AI I'll be okay.

Thanks,  Bethesda!

No seriously,  thanks.   I'm already overmatched by this game by the way it punishes me for pee breaks (I'm old and I drink a lot of water) and so I'm glad these creatures don't have push to text with their buddies or this would be yet another post about dying while carrying too much shit.  But then again,  not every creature in the Fallout universe is capable of a Jurassic Park velociraptor "clever girl" style attack.  If they'd been high level ghouls chilling with a wendigo I might already be dead.

Definitely already dead.

I sniped at the other little one until he got too close and smashed him as well.

Now just the big guy was left.   I know it wasn't the same Gulper that killed me several hours and 4 or 5 server disconnects ago but it was a Gulper who needed to die.

I started with grenades but I only had baseball grenades and I'm not as good with those as say any other grenade in the game... they roll like crazy. 

So I tried to snipe but it would heal faster than I could reload and fire.

But sniping did get his attention so he started circling the garage.   He didn't come in but I was trapped and none of my guns could drop his health faster than he was healing.

I got the idea to drop some mines but I only had two.   I placed one at each possible entry to the garage and waited.   The Gulper decided to do a mad sprint around the building  and set them both off and took no damage.

At this point I could try to sneak away but I swear to God every time I try to pull that shit in fallout76  I just get jumped by a group of supermutants who kill my ass dead and then some.

I did mention I stuck at this game.

I had only one option.

Smash smashy.

It wasn't  easy but I didn't even need to use a stimpack.  Also, I was out of stimpacks.  But this was the was by far the most fun I've had playing by myself and I'll tell you this - Gulper Slurry NEVER tasted so sweet.

No, no it doesn't.   Just typng the word "Slurry" makes me want to yak. 

Adventures in respawning

The other day I died while being overincumbered.  I could only respawn at vault 76 which was really far away from where my friend was who was being attacked by some dillhole who was level 145 and decided after we helped him take down a scorchbeast queen and all that comes with it he should kill us too.  Thanks, Bathesda!  Oh yeah.  He put me down hard even though he shot me way less than my friend.  I'm just way better at dying than he is.  I thought I had to agree to the whole pvp thing for that to happen but who cares at least I picked up some plans for some armor I'll probably get to craft three months from now if I play every day for 12 hours.

Well, today was way better because I was wearing my power armor and was not overincumbered.  I got my ass killed by a diseased Gulper because of hubris and massive sucktitude at playing this game and was given just one place on the entire map to respawn.  It happened to be at the place I just died but who cares, it always drops you far enough away from the action that you can run away before you are detected by the beast that just killed you.  Bad news is the game decided I was overincumbered and said I could not respawn there.

So I could not respawn anywhere. 

Because I was overincumbered.  Because I have 25 Bobby pins and according to this game 25 Bobby pins is a shit ton of weight.  Or probably because when I die, my power armor goes back into my inventory.  10 more pounds and I'm overwhelmed in the weight department so I had to leave the game and start up again. 

10 minutes and one server disconnect later I'm back on the scene.  I sneak up with my sniper rifle and have a look see at the beast who killed me.  Now the diseased Gulper is 10 points stronger and has more friends.

Thanks Bathesda.

Death by Scorchbeast

A couple of days ago I spent three hours scrounging for materials to fix my armor and then wandered too close to a fissure and a scorchbeast killed me and wrecked my armor in 6 and a half seconds.

Good day.